Thursday, March 21, 2013

Mudbox ideas

I believe if autodesk needs to incorporate deformers into mudbox, which could potentially rival zbrush.
Think of the possiblities, deformers in maya can handle high poly meshes quite well.  I mean they have the code already, its just a matter of implementing. Things like Spikes can be achieve easily with Taper. Main thing Im trying to say is that with these tools, it reduces the need to bring the mesh back and forth from maya/max/xsi. Thus increasing productivity. Mudbox hands down is the most user friendly sculpting program out theres, that is why I would love to see it improve with tools. Ultimately eliminating the need to use zbrush in my workflow. Even after using Zbrush for few years, it still dreadful to use it.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Mudbox 2014 Sneak peek finally here

Retopology tools Yay! Knew they were gona integrate it into mudbox.

Can't wait for more Sneak peeks.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Statue texture wip(zbrush)

First time using Spotlight from zbrush to texture. pretty easy to learn how to use. but is still lacking blending layers. Planning to export the high with vertex paint. to xnormals to bake.